School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto

Sport Premium

School Sport Premium


The government introduced additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - was allocated to primary school headteachers. 

This funding has now been extended until 2025, allowing schools to continue the excellent work started in creating a legacy of sport and engaging our young children in new sorting activities.

This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.


DfE Evaluation of Sport Premium spend 2023-24 - trial version available on request


School Sport Premium Funding 2024-2025 - Proposed Spend and Action Plan


Cost  (approximate) 


Review/Evaluation –  

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kickstarting healthy active lifestyles  

Lunchtime Sport Organiser  

Sept 24- July 25 

£3820 (£19.60/hr * 5 * 39)  


Organise and support structured games and activities  - helping to ensure pupils completed 60 minutes a day of exercise at school and heling to control playground issues. 


Weekly PE sessions  at Ribby Hall Sports Centre 


(£35/wk * 30 = 1050) 

Use of large sports hall, badminton courts, squash and table tennis – active 2 hours of sport 



Paid £455 (Autumn term July 24) 

£595 2024/25 

Sports coach leading net/wall activities and fitness 


(£30 * 10 then £35/wk * 20 = 1000) 

Level 2 coach delivery of net and wall sports. PGA level 1 golf coach input – required for use of Ribby Hall Sports Centre 

Price Increase to £35/hour from Jan 25 

Paid £390 (Autumn term July 24) 

£610 24/25 

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement  

Competitions – team colour badges,  

£ 200 



Provision of team colours for pupils representing the school has proved very popular and the self esteem and pride of the children has been notable. 


PE Lancashire Membership 


Course and Scheme of Work  - Up date to APP September 24-August 2027 


Cricket coaching  - provided by Fylde Cricket (Danny Gilbert) 


5 weeks Coaching sessions to develop the children's skills and increase CPD of staff in cricket and throwing and catching skills 






3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport 


Sports Conference 


Liaise with colleagues to discuss Sainsbury’s School Games, planning, assessment. Workshop on outside providers and new sporting ideas  

To be confirmed – May 2025 date provisionally set 

Class cover for PE Co-ordinator – covered in budget 


(2.5 hrs x 40 weeks - (£55 x40) 

Release time for planning and managing sport in school 


PE APP workshop 


Use of PE App 

Helpful free update. 

Gymnastics Scheme of work – bolt on to PE APP 


Max Whitlock Gymnastics Scheme of work added to PE App subscription. Sept 24-Aug 2027 


Gymnastics CPD 

£50 PP  


2 x KS1 staff attend gymnastics CPD 

Staff unable to attend due to cover and staff absences. 

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils  

Extra-curricular Clubs – provision  



Additional Extra curricular clubs offered at a reduced/free cost to parents. This helps ensure a higher uptake in the activity and has helped target our Pupil Premium children. Increased participation in re sports e.g. Handball and dodgeball. 


KS1 Football 


Spring Term 2-   


KS 2 Futsal 


Spring Term 1  -  


KS2 Girls Football 


Summer Term 1  -  




Spring term 1 -   


Tennis ASC 


(£30/hr x 30 = £900) x 2 clubs =£2000 


Tennis club well attended. Net and wall skills links to PE SoW KS1 club and KS 2 Club  

Price Increase to £35/hour from Jan 25 

Paid £600 (Autumn Term – July 24) 

£1400 24/25 

Additional after school clubs – 

Parents pay direct 

Clubs to be run by experienced coaches from the Sport Partnership e.g. Judo education 


Tennis coaching at Wrea Green Tennis Club 



All Year 5 and 6 participate in tennis coaching for 5 weeks 


5. increased participation in competitive sport 

Entry to competitions held at Carr Hill High School 


All inter school competitions held at Carr Hill - increase in number of events has enabled more children to represent the school in a wide variety of events and competitions 

Good events and varied activities. 

School Games festivals and competitions run by the SGO –  


Entry to competitions has allowed teams to compete in more events and a greater range of sports and festivals with the possibility of representing Fylde at the Lancashire Games. 


Y5/6 Football 


Opportunities to represent school and take part in level 2 School Games activities 

Finished winners of Shield  - good to compete against larger schools and varied opposition. 

Glo Dodgeball Equipment and hire (Lee) 


Half Day with SSCO delivering Glow Dodgeball sessions (fun) to KS2 


Y5/6 Girls Football 


Opportunities to represent school and take part in level 2 School Games activities 

Girls very excited and keen to represent school. Good positive attitudes and performance. 

Transport to all competitions 


Transport to events – Kirkham Macs taxi, Coastal Coaches, Travelcare 

Transport costs take a large proportion of the funding. New  providers have been used to try and reduce costs – local coach companies too expensive to use regularly. 

Transport to Ribby Hall PE – Tuesdays  


£80/wk  * 30) 


£105/wk x 30= £3150 

Blackpool Minibus running 2 journeys – parents collect – plus staff driving 4 x pupils.   

Coastal Coaches provide 1 trip via larger coach 

Staff costs in petrol and wear and tear not reimbursed but works with 2 trips and a car  run. Parents very supportive with providing lifts to school at end of the session – form 8a and 8b completed by families transporting and needing transport. 

Total Received 


7/12 in September 2024 (£10 109.16) 

5/12 in April 2025 (£7220.83) 


Carried over from 2023-24 




Total to spend September 2024-July 2025 






Total spent 

£14 487 



Funding remaining at July 2025 







July 2025 

% swim 25m 

% use a range of strokes 

% Aware of water safety and rescue techniques 

19 pupils 






Swimming lessons at Ribby with Wrea take place throughout the year and in 2022-23 Year 4 will swim from September to April and Year 3 May to July. The Year 3 class will continue with lessons in September 2023 when they make the transition to Year 4 and will complete their 3 terms of lessons at Easter 2023

Swimming lessons were moved from Year 5 and 6 as pupils has achieved the national requirement of swimming 25m, using a range of strokes and knowing safe rescue before they entered Year 5.


Swimming Progress at the end of the academic year 2021-22


Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Swim 25 metres




Be able to use a range of strokes




Know and understand how to complete safe rescue





Eligible schools

Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census in January 2022.


Purpose of funding

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Possible uses for the funding might include:

  • hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
  • supporting and engaging  the least active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs
  • paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
  • providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
  • running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games
  • buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport
  • providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools.


The Premium is being used to meet the 5 main aims of the funding:

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kickstarting healthy active lifestyles

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

5. increased participation in competitive sport

The school aims to ensure sustainability of the activities and high level PE lessons through investing in staff training, including support staff and the positive ethos created in school regarding sport and exercise. Plans have already been instigated to ensure competitions and work with local providers can be continued and partnerships are being devised to allow coaching and use of facilities to be affordable when the funding is reduced or stopped. Ribby with Wrea are keen to ensure the positive impact of the Sport Premium funding continues to benefit the pupils of the school both now and in the future.


Sport Premium and its impact at Ribby with Wrea.

Since the introduction of the Sport Premium Funding (2013), staff at Ribby with Wrea have worked tirelessly to offer and provide new opportunities for all pupils, enhance the provision of inter school sport competitions, encourage new skills and activities and create a positive attitude towards healthy eating, lifestyles and exercise. 

Tracking of pupil participation is undertaken annually of extra curricular activities and representation of the school at sporting events. This data is used to ensure pupils are all gaining opportunities and ensure the needs are met for all pupils.

Over the past few years the number of inter school events held at Carr Hill and AKS have increased and on average pupils from Ribby with Wrea are attending a sports festival or competition every week. Participation rates in KS2 where most events are aimed has seen 100% participation in Years4,5 and 6 in recent years.

This positive approach to sport has resulted in positive outcomes in PE and attainment levels are increasing across the school in PE. Staff are always looking at new ways to develop the core skills and introduce games skills, as well as develop gymnastic and dance attributes.



To ensure the long term success and continuation of activities and events the school has ensured staff both teaching and non-teaching have had access to and attended many courses and training activities over the years. New initiatives (Lancashire PE APP) have been adopted and staff work hard to embed these into the day to day activities of the school. resources are frequently reviewed and replaced when necessary and links with local sports clubs and coaches have been established to ensure opportunities for signposting pupils to activities outside of school.

The school reflects on its practice and reviews the annual action plan ensuring a continual development and sustainability of the provision.

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