School Vision and Values
School Vision
Ribby with Wrea Vision
Ribby with Wrea Endowed C of E Primary School Vision
We understand the uniqueness of all our pupils and encourage them to fulfil their potential. God is at the heart of our loving, inclusive family. We want all who learn and work here and within our community to experience the joy and hope of
“Life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)
Mission Statement
To encourage all children to develop as confident lifelong learners,
to be curious about the world around them and to achieve their full potential
within our safe and caring Christian school family.
The Mission Statement has been reviewed by the Governing Body in 2014.
We hope that it reflects the uniqueness of Ribby with Wrea, a school where
- children flourish under the guidance of outstanding teachers and support staff,
- children are provided with an exciting enriched curriculum
- children are keen to come to school and learn
- the pupils' safety and welfare is paramount.
British Values are taught across a number of subjects including history, PSHE, RE.
Ribby with Wrea promote British Values through developing:
Democracy - we encourage debate and discussions on topics of interest and matters that directly involve our pupils.
Pupils vote for House and Deputy Captains, have the opportunity to stand as a school councillor or member of the Halo Group.
The Pupil Voice is an important component of the ethos of Ribby with Wrea.
Classes discuss class charters and rewards and the School Council play a role in the selection of some staffing positions.
Rule of Law - We encourage pupils to follow the laws of the country and in a more locally perspective the school rules and behaviour policy.
Pupils we supported to identify the difference between right and wrong in the classroom, playground and during worship.
Individual Liberty - Pupils ate encouraged and given the freedom to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
Pupils are supported to develop their understanding that is their responsibility as children of God to look after and care for His creation (Earth and each other).
We develop pupils self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through Learning Mentor sessions, growth Mindset and positive safe learning environments.
Pupils learn to take responsibility for their actions and behaviour.
Pupils are encouraged to show their unique skills.
Pupils undertake key roles and responsibilities including School Council, Halo Group, Prefects, Classroom Monitors. etc.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs - Respect is one of our core values. Pupils know and understand that is is expected that respect is shown to everyone, children, staff, visitors and parents!
Pupils learn how we are are God's children and made in His image and likeness and that we are all of equal value.
Pupils are encouraged to learn and understand their own culture and other cultures and ways of life.
We visit and promote other faiths and places of worship.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development at Ribby with Wrea:
Through our worships both in school and weekly at St Nicholas' Church and the strong Christian ethos within the school we believe our pupils are developing their SMSC development.
This is supported by the activities offered beyond the classroom, trips, visitors and the re-enforcing of British Values.
Pupils learn about the fundamental British values of DEMOCRACY, the RULE of LAW, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY and MUTUAL RESPECT and TOLERANCE of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Through our provision of SMSC, Ribby with Wrea:
- enable to students to develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
- enable our pupils to know right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law in England - this includes working with the local Magistrates visiting Year 6 and holding a mock trial while discussing law and courts.
- help pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and acknowledge how they can help contribute in a positive way to the lives of those locally and further afield.
- help develop broad general knowledge and respect for public services.
- help to foster an appreciation and respect for our own culture and that of other cultures to ensure a tolerant and harmonious community.
- encourage respect for other people
- encourage and understand democracy in England.
At Ribby with Wrea we value the voice of the pupil through School Council, Halo Group and Junior Leadership Teams. These are supported by elected House Captains and Deputy Captains and Prefects.
Pupils have an important contribution to make to the development and opportunities offered at the school. This includes newly created clubs - Chess Club - organised and created by a Year 5 pupil and self managed by pupils in Year 5 and Year 6.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Equality means that everyone is treated fairly and has the same opportunities regardless of their differences - at Ribby with Wrea this is embedded in our Christian ethos, 'pupils don't see difference just everyone the same' comments made by a recent visitor to the school. Our pupils treat everyone fairly and respect differences in opinions, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexuality.
Diversity - is about recognising and celebrating differences, including race, gender, religion, disability and sexual orientation.
Inclusion - means creating an environment where every individual feels valued and respected, and where everyone has a sense of belonging.
Why is EDI important at Ribby with Wrea.
Creates a positive school culture - with respect, understanding and acceptance, where pupils and staff fell valued and appreciated - which in turns leads to better outcomes for everyone.
Promotes a sense of belonging - Ribby with Wrea is an inclusive school which helps pupils and staff feel like they belong leading to better mental health and wellbeing. Pupils who feel like they belong are more likely to attend school regularly and have better outcomes.
Improves academic performance - At Ribby with Wrea our pupils feel included and valued which helps them engage more in their learning and perform better academically.
Prepares pupils for the future - To hep prepare our pupils for todays' global society it is essential we prepare them to live and work in diverse environments. We help to equip our pupils for the wider community (high schools) and embed values for later in life.
EDI is an essential component of our school and underpins all aspects of our school life, supported and led by our Christian values and ethos.