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Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


The purpose of teaching History is to help pupils understand Britain’s past and that of the wider world and to understand the chronology of events and civilisations of the past. At Ribby with Wrea the children are encouraged to explore the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, diversity of societies as well as their own identity and challenges of their time.


During KS1 the children explore

• changes within living memory – creating a timeline of the children’s own lives

and comparing their childhood to that of their grandparents.

• events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally,

including Guy Fawkes, the Great Fire of London and the Wright brothers.

• the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national

and international achievements, including James Cook, Florence Nightingale,

Grace Darling and Mary Anning.

• significant historical events, people and places in their own locality- the

history of Fairhaven Lake and the windmills of Lytham and Wrea Green.


During KS2 these concepts are built on and children also explore topics such as

• changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, the late Neolithic

hunter gatherers and early farmers of Skara Brae, Bronze Age religion and

Stonehenge, Iron Age hill forts and the Roman Empire’s impact on Britain.

• Britain’s settlement by Anglo Saxons and Scots and their struggle with the

Vikings to rule the Kingdom of England.

• a local history study of Kirkham and the wider community of Preston and the

Local village of Freckleton tracing aspects of national history from Roman

times, through industrial revolution to the Second World War and the present


• In depth studies of early civilizations: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and the

Mayan civilization.


Mr East is the Subject Leader for History and our link Governor is Mr Phillip Wood.

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