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Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) is embedded in our school curriculum and is an integral part to life at Ribby with Wrea. We see PSHE as an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education allowing them to develop and express their views in a safe and encouraging environment. PSHE encourages children to develop in confidence/ independence, to develop social skills and work as part of a team, acquire personal values and qualities and to think about the wider world we live in.

We use the CORAM life Education  framework  and the statutory guidance to support our curriculum. PSHE is explored in a variety of different ways; cross curricular, through written tasks and through class/group discussion. Children also have access to our Learning Mentor Mrs Lyon. Mrs Lyon works with children who need some extra support or simply just a friendly face to talk to.

Miss Naylor is the Subject Leader for PSHE and has ensured that PSHE is accessible throughout all year groups. Mr Boustead is our school governor who oversees PSHE, supports our subject leader and ensures all relevant material is up to date.

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