School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


Sport Premium Activities at Ribby with Wrea 2014-2015.

The funding has continued to be invested in many different activities and ventures to help develop the sporting opportunties offered at Ribby with Wrea.

Every child who represents the school in either competitive sports or in festivals receives a Sporting Colour which they wear on their school uniform for the acdemic year.

The school has worked in partnership with other local schools to develop a wide rnage of sporting programmes to offer both competitive and non- competitive sporting oppoirtunities - this includes new activities such as orienteering, handball and events for Key Stage 1 and Years 3 and 4.

The school has also entered into an agreement with the loca School Games Organiser to take art in 8 new events including Speedstacking, Aqua Splash, Virtual Multiskills, Hockey, Basketball and Girls Football.


Sports coaches support the excellent PE provision already taking place at the school and a Lunchtime Sports Coach helps to engage pupils during the lunch break.

The funding has enabled us to provide transport to many sporting activities and the school is always looking at new ventures to undertake -a Fencing breakfast Club is planned for the Spring Term.


After School clubs have been arranged for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils every term through out the year and these are offered at a reduce price to enciurage and engage participation.

The school is proud to have been awarded the GOLD School Sports Award and works with the School Sports Crew to develop activities and sports the children have requested. The Children now blog on the School Games Website and are involved in sporting activities thorugh particpation, media and photography work.

The school aims to continue to develop sport and healty lifestyles and is greatful to the fantastic support received from the pupils and parents.

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