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Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


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  • Oral language and phonological awareness skills are essential for learning to read successfully.
  • Reading for pleasure is thought to be the foremost indicator of future academic success.
  • Reading can only be a pleasure if it is not a struggle.


Parent Support 

  • The best start for reading will always happen in the home.
  • Parents’ engagement with books and reading will impact significantly upon children’s attitudes and motivations.
  • Clear guidelines and support for parents will reduce misconceptions and practices that ‘switch’ children off reading.
  • Parent helpers.


 •Phonics gives children the building blocks of fluent reading. It allows children to explore language and understand how phonemes and graphemes are use to build words. It looks at the nuances of English and different sound patterns.

 •At Ribby with Wrea we plan a balanced phonics session for every child every day. Children work in fluid, linear groups which aim to support individual progress. These groups are smaller and track individual progress. We mainly use the resources and planning of Red Rose Phonics but supplement this with other schemes and resources.

An amazing clip of how books can be enjoyed at any age.

Still image for this video

We Love Reading

We value reading and ensure that reading in school is of a high quality. Please help us to continue this by providing a quality reading experience for your child at home.


• Do encourage your child to talk about the front and back cover of the book. Ask them what this tells them about the story.

• Do ask your child to predict what will happen in the story.

• Do support your child in sounding out words as they read.   

• Do ask them to blend sounds together.

• Encourage them to use the pictures to support their reading.

• Aim to read 4 – 5 pages each night.

• Do ask them to retell their reading after 2 or 3 pages. Encourage them to recall what they have read.

• Use questions to explore your child’s understanding. What did Biff feel like? How do you know that the dog is sad? Etc.

• Try covering up the pictures and asking your child to reread the pages.

• Ask your child to find particular words or punctuation.


Remember it is quality reading which will leave a lasting imprint on your child. Please support our work in school by encouraging your child to read for understanding.

Our Reading Scheme is used as an assessment tool by teachers and books will only be changed twice per week. Children need to learn to love books of all sorts and not just our Scheme books.


English Links

The following links are to a range of websites and activities that can be used to support your child with their English and reading at home.

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