School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


You will find a selection of school policies on the links below. If you would like any further information ,including paper copies,please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Please note that following the September 2013 amendment to The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, head teachers no longer have the discretion to authorise leave in term time to allow pupils to go on holiday.


All necessary forms are held in the school office or under the office section of the school website.

Model Local Authority policies

The following Local Authority policies and procedures are adopted by the Governing Body.

If you require copies,  please contact the school office.

Lancashire Personnel Policies

Absence (Management of sickness) Aug 20

Absence (Management of sickness) Guidelines  Aug 22

Adoption Leave Policy (Teacher and Support staff) July 21

Amalgamation/Reorganisation of schools (Support Staff) Aug 18

Amalgamation/Reorganisation of schools (Teachers) Aug 18

Appraisal (Support staff) April 22

Appraisal (Teachers) Dec 23

Appraisal (Teachers) Centrally Managed Services Sept 21

Attendance Procedure (Teachers)Aug 2022

Breastfeeding at work Aug 20

Bullying, harrassment policy and procedures April 22

Capability Procedure (Support staff) May 22

Capability Procedure (Teachers) Dec 23

Capability Procedure (Teachers) Centrally Managed Services  Sept 21

Career Break Scheme Dec 2023

Collective disputes - May 22

Critical / Terminal illness guidance

Directed time  June 24

Disciplinary and dismissal procedure (Support Staff) Jun22

Disciplinary and dismissal procedure (Teachers ) Jun22

Disqualification by association disclosure  - April 2020

Extreme unpredictable weather guidance June 2024

Flexible working - May 24

Governor Expenses - March 24

Grievance Procedure (Support staff) - June 24

Grievance Procedure (Teachers) - June 24

Guidance on the use of social networking Dec 2020

Ill Health Retirement - Aug 20

Job share - Apr 24

Leave of absence (Teachers) June 2024

Long service award (support staff) July 21

Long service award (Teachers ) Aug 21

Long term absence procedure Aug 22

Managing alcohol/drug abuse Dec 19

Menopause policy Mar 23

OHU referral guidance Nov 2023

Paternity Leave Policy and Form June 2024

Pay Policy (Teachers) Nov 2023

Probation arrangements support staff - May 22

Recruitment and selection Sept 2023

Redundancy and workforce planning policy June 18

Retirement Phased 2020

Safer Recruitment 2023

School Staff code of conduct Dec 2023

Shared Parental Leave May 24

Short term absence procedure Aug 2022

Smoke Free Policy May 2024

Statement of ethical standards Dec 2023

Teaching and Learning Responsibility Dec 23

Trans Equality Guidance June 2024

Whistleblowing Apr 22

Whole School Pay policy Oct 21

Workforce planning and redundancy Aug 22

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