Class Pages
Please use these pages to find out more about our classes.
Class Organisation
As a small school pupils are organised into five mixed age classes and we celebrate the opportunities that this brings. Children have the opportunity to mix with a variety of different children and have a wide range of responsibilities in class and throughout school. This helps create the family ethos here at Ribby with Wrea.
This means that there are opportunities for children to mix with a variety of children from their own year group and different year groups, both in class and in our House system, and they have a wide range of responsibilities in class and throughout school as they become a group of older children in a class.
There are a number of contributing factors including admission number, pupil numbers, number of classrooms, as well as restrictions on class size. There are 5 classes and 7 year groups. We carefully monitor pupil's academic achievement and maturity of attitude to learning (within the classroom setting) before making decisions. Parents are always fully informed of their child's progress and if they are achieving National Curriculum expectations both in class and tests.
Years 1, 2 and 5 are each split year groups.
Mallard Class :- Reception/Year One
Robin Class :- Year One/Year Two
Kingfisher Class :- Year Two/Year Three
Nightingale Class:- Year Four/Year Five
Eagle Class:- Year Five/Year Six
The children do not redo a year, nor are they held back a year, but have differentiated targets for their year of learning within a different class setting. This differentiated teaching is a strength of the school and we have teachers from other schools visit us to see good practice in action.
Parents comments:
'My child wasn't ready to go up to the Year 1/2 class and needed to learn their letter sounds better before having to cope with being with Year 2 children. She has made amazing progress in that class.'
- Parent of child in Year 1
'The split class worked well for my child. They were more confident as they moved up the school and proved this in the Year 4/5 class. They were in top sets in all subjects when they went to High School'
-Parent of child in Year 5