Our History curriculum is focused on the National Curriculum objectives and expectations. It ensures concepts are taught and knowledge and experiences are built upon through the topics covered and progression from EYFS to KS1 and KS2.
Topics studied in EYFS and KS1 include:
When Grandma and Grandad were little - living history
Grace Darling
Transport Now and Then
The Gunpowder Plot
Mary Anning
Events Beyond Living Memory - Fire of London/Kings and Queens
Communication Now and Then
Significant historical events - Seaside past and present
Lives of Significant Individuals - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
Changes within living memory Toys Past and Present
Key Stage 2 studies include:
Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
Vikings and Anglo Saxon
Local History - Preston and the Docks
Achievements of the earliest civilizations - The Indus Valley , Ancient Egypt and Mayan Civilization
Ancient Greece
Local History - Freckleton Air Disaster and WWII