Sport Premium Activities at Ribby with Wrea 2019-2020 - The use of the funding and evaluation of the use can be seen below:
Use of funding | Cost | Impact | Review/Evaluation |
PE/Lunch Resources | As required | New equipment purchased as needed | Completed as required. |
Y4/5 or Y5/6 @ Ribby Hall | £65 x 30 = £1950 | 2 hours a week at Ribby Hall with coach and courts £30 per hour plus courts (£2.50/hr)approx. £35 | Pupils enjoyed using the facilities and receiving coaching from professional coach |
Lunchtime Sport Organiser | £12.50/hr * 5 * 39 = £2375 |
| Structured lunchtime activities were undertaken. |
Competitions – team colour badges, | £ 400
| Provision of team colours for pupils representing the school has proved very popular and the self esteem and pride of the children has been notable.
| Pride in wearing badge on school uniform and encouraged participation. |
Healthy Heads programme Y1/2 Y2/3 Y4/5 Y5/6 | £200 x 4 = 800 | Y3, Y5 completed in Autumn term Y4 in Spring term Children shown ways to deal with stress, workload and emotions | Strategies introduced to help deal with emotions, stresses and worries |
KS1 Balance Bike | £250 |
| Most pupils already secure on a Balance Bike - run earlier in school year |
Cricket coaching - provided by Lancashire Cricket | £599 | Coaching sessions to develop the children's skills and increase CPD of staff in cricket and throwing and catching skills | DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Sports Conference | £150 | Liaise with colleagues to discuss Sainsbury’s School Games, planning, assessment. Workshop on outside providers and new sporting ideas e.g. fencing, bushcraft, bikeabilty on balance bikes | Did not take place in academic year |
PE Lancashire Membership | £350 | Course and Scheme of Work - Up date to APP | APP introduced to planning and staff using in lessons |
6 x 3weeks (2hrs) preparation for new festivals | £880 | Organised through Carr Hill, led by Premier Sport | DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Tennis coaching Years 2 and 3 | £900 (£30/2hr X 30 weeks)
| Coaching for Year 2 and 3 in tennis – staff to assist and develop CPD | Coaching input received and progress in pupils' skills and above expected level. |
Class cover for PE Co-ordinator | 2.5 hrs x 40 weeks - £14.50/hr £1450 | Release time for planning and managing sport in school | Release time allowed for planning and preparation |
Extra-curricular Clubs – provision provided by Premier Sport (10 clubs across the year) | £960 £32/hr X 30 weeks | Additional Extra curricular clubs offered at a reduced/free cost to parents. This helps ensure a higher uptake in the activity and has helped target our Pupil Premium children. Increased participation in re sports e.g. Handball and dodgeball. | Not the best uptake at clubs - to be reviewed next year to increase participation. |
Additional after school clubs – |
| Clubs to be run by experienced coaches from the Sport Partnership | As above |
Tag Rugby | £200 |
| DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Judo (full day) | £200 |
| A great event and day - keen interest in running Judo club - delayed due to covid-19 |
KS2 Speedstacking offered at a reduced price | £150 | Club allowed children to develop skills and co-ordination | Did not take place |
KS2 Basketball offered at a reduced price | £200 | Developed skills at a new sport and supported attendance at basketball festival | Did not take place |
Archery | £300 | Developing new skills and activities – use real arrows! | DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Fencing (full day) | £200 |
| DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Y3/4 Futsal | £150 | New skills and learning about futsal | DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Wide range of additional clubs paid for by parents | £0 | Sports 4 All, Football |
Tennis coaching at Wrea Green Tennis Club | £125 | All Year 5 and 6 participate in tennis coaching for 5 weeks | DELAYED due to Covid-19 |
Tri Golf Y3/4 | £150 |
Y6 Climbing Course – Hotharsall Lodge | 6 weeks - £50 per child (20) = 1000-200 = £800 | 6 week climbing course and SATs revision groups. Groups of 8 – booster sessions – Reading and Maths £10 per child | All achieved and developed skills for SATs and gained experience at climbing and national qualification - Level 1 |
Entry to competitions held at Carr Hill High School | £375 | All inter school competitions held at Carr Hill - increase in number of events has enabled more children to represent the school in a wide variety of events and competitions | Good range of competitions held |
School Games festivals and competitions run by the SGO – 10 extra events – no aqua splash £570-£60 | £510 | Entry to competitions has allowed teams to compete in more events and a greater range of sports and festivals with the possibility of representing Fylde at the Lancashire Games | Took part in a large number of events |
Transport – Ribby Hall | £450 | Transport to Ribby Hall £15 x 30 = £450 Transport costs are always high and staff and parents have provided a great deal of assistance. | Expensive but required to access Ribby Hall coaching |
Transport to all competitions | £2500 |
School iphone – emergency contact and photographs/ social media (4 year contract) | £663 |
| Phone used at events and for school visits and work |
Total Received | 17300 | 5/12 of 2018-19 finance £7208 7/12 of 2019-20 finance £10091.20 |
Carried over from 2018-19 | £1869.62 |
Total to spend | £19169.62 |
Total spent | £18037 |
Left | £1132.62 |
Proposed Spend |