Sport Premium Activities at Ribby with Wrea 2017-2018
The School has used the first instalment of the funding for the following uses, meeting the criteria above:
Use of funding | Cost | Impact | Review/Evaluation |
PE/Lunch Resources |
Daily Mile | Included in Carr Hill price | All children complete a Daily run resulting in certificates and medals once distances have been achieved | Training taken place and initial evaluation – not introduced to school day until Spring due to weather conditions. |
Play Leaders Trained | Included in Carr Hill price | Year 6 children trained as Play Leaders to support play activities and develop leadership opportunities. |
Competitions – team colour badges, | £ 300
| Provision of team colours for pupils representing the school has proved very popular and the self esteem and pride of the children has been notable.
| Team colours very important and will continue.
Mental Health and Well Being Course | £500 | Year 5 and 6 received 6 weeks of discussion and activities looking at helping mental health and stress (2hour sessions) | Class enjoyed the course but not sure how effective the materials were received and understood. |
Healthy Heads programme | £175 | Year 4 and 5 completed a 5 week course ( 1 hour sessions) – discussions and advice on feelings and emotions | Class received the teaching well and interacted well with the instructor. Good delivery and subject knowledge – Would use again in 2019. |
Teambuilding Programme | £750 |
Baseline Assessments conduced 3 x a year | Included in Carr Hill package | Baseline assessments completed by Premier Sport and data evaluated and sent to school. | Spring and Summer baseline assessments will be completed and compared to the Autumn results. Useful tracking of health and fitness progress. |
Cricket coaching - provided by Lancashire Cricket | £650 | Coaching sessions to develop the children's skills and increase CPD of staff in cricket and throwing and catching skills |
Sports Conference | £150 | Liaise with colleagues to discuss Sainsbury’s School Games, planning, assessment. Workshop on outside providers and new sporting ideas e.g. fencing, bushcraft, judo, bikeabilty on balance bikes | Good to interact and share ideas. Feedback to staff at staff meeting in Feb. (moved from original date in November) |
Staff Hoodies for Sport | £315 | Staff confidence boosted by feeling part of a team and having equipment to support events. | Staff wear hoodies on many occasions! |
Tennis coaching Years 2 and 3 Nov start | £30/2hour (not included in costings) | Coaching for Year 2 and 3 in tennis – staff to assist and develop CPD | Good coaching delivery by Julian Wilson – classes developing skills and extending programme for Spring and summer terms. TAs engaging in sessions and raising own knowledge and experience. |
Extra-curricular Clubs – provision provided by Premier Sport (10 clubs across the year) | £1650 | Additional Extra curricular clubs offered at a reduced/free cost to parents. This helps ensure a higher uptake in the activity and has helped target our Pupil Premium children. Increased participation in re sports e.g. Handball and dodgeball. | Activities offered have enhanced participation and provided a good opportunity to all. Lack of space to run clubs after school does impact on participation rates especially between Oct-April. |
Additional after school clubs – |
| Clubs to be run by experienced coaches from the Sport Partnership
Little Yogis offered at a reduced price | £175 | Price adjusted clubs helped to increase participation |
Y1/2 Dance offered at a reduced price | £200 |
KS2 Speedstacking offered at a reduced price | £150 |
KS2 Basketball offered at a reduced price | £175 |
Wide range of additional clubs paid for by parents | £0 | Judo, Sports 4 All, Football | Additional clubs well received and supported by parents and children |
Forest Schools Day for Year 3 and Year 4 | £300 x 2 | Completed in December 2018 – very cold weather! Children engaged and developed resilience to cold! Worked as teams and built fires and made lunch. | Great outdoor experience in a location close to school (Ribby Hall). Children engaged in activities and positive feedback (mostly!) |
Tennis coaching at Wrea Green Tennis Club | £125 | All Year 5 and 6 participate in tennis coaching for 5 weeks |
Entry to competitions held at Carr Hill High School | £1100 | All inter school competitions held at Carr Hill - increase in number of events has enabled more children to represent the school in a wide variety of events and competitions - Sport leader training/Golden Mile set up/3 Assessments/year and | Children enjoy representing school – receive Colours and often successful in top 3 gaining a medal. |
School Games festivals and competitions run by the SGO – 10 extra events | £400 | Entry to competitions has allowed teams to compete in more events and a greater range of sports and festivals with the possibility of representing Fylde at the Lancashire Games |
Transport – |
| Transport costs are always high and staff and parents have provided a great deal of assistance. |
Swimming |
| Total percebntage of Year 6 able to swim 25 metres - 2018 | 100% |
Total Received | £17500 |
Total spent | £7415 |
TOTAL left 2017-2018 | £9685 |
Carried over from 2016-17 | £0 |
TOTAL | £9685 |
Proposed Spend |