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Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


Sport Premium Activities at Ribby with Wrea 2017-2018

The School has used the first instalment of the funding for the following uses, meeting the criteria above:

Use of funding




PE/Lunch Resources




Daily Mile

Included in Carr Hill price

All children complete a Daily run resulting in certificates and medals once distances have been achieved

Training taken place and initial evaluation – not introduced to school day until Spring due to weather conditions.

Play Leaders Trained

Included in Carr Hill price

Year 6 children trained as Play Leaders to support play activities and develop leadership opportunities.


Competitions – team colour badges,

£ 300


Provision of team colours for pupils representing the school has proved very popular and the self esteem and pride of the children has been notable.


Team colours very important and will continue.


Mental Health and Well Being Course


Year 5 and 6 received 6 weeks of discussion and activities looking at helping mental health and stress (2hour sessions)

Class enjoyed the course but not sure how effective the materials were received and understood.

Healthy Heads programme


Year 4 and 5 completed a 5 week course ( 1 hour sessions) – discussions and advice on feelings and emotions

Class received the teaching well and interacted well with the instructor. Good delivery and subject knowledge – Would use again in 2019.

Teambuilding Programme




Baseline Assessments conduced 3 x a year

Included in Carr Hill package

Baseline assessments completed by Premier Sport and data evaluated and sent to school.

Spring and Summer baseline assessments will be completed and compared to the Autumn results. Useful tracking of health and fitness progress.

Cricket coaching  - provided by Lancashire Cricket


Coaching sessions to develop the children's skills and increase CPD of staff in cricket and throwing and catching skills


Sports Conference


Liaise with colleagues to discuss Sainsbury’s School Games, planning, assessment. Workshop on outside providers and new sporting ideas e.g. fencing, bushcraft, judo, bikeabilty on balance bikes

Good to interact and share ideas.

Feedback to staff at staff meeting in Feb. (moved from original date in November)

Staff Hoodies for Sport


Staff confidence boosted by feeling part of a team and having equipment to support events.

Staff wear hoodies on many occasions!

Tennis coaching Years 2 and 3

Nov start


(not included in costings)

Coaching for Year 2 and 3 in tennis – staff to assist and develop CPD

Good coaching delivery by Julian Wilson – classes developing skills and extending programme for Spring and summer terms.

TAs engaging in sessions and raising own knowledge and experience.

Extra-curricular Clubs – provision provided by Premier Sport (10 clubs across the year)


Additional Extra curricular clubs offered at a reduced/free cost to parents. This helps ensure a higher uptake in the activity and has helped target our Pupil Premium children. Increased participation in re sports e.g. Handball and dodgeball.

Activities offered have enhanced participation and provided a good opportunity to all.

Lack of space to run clubs after school does impact on participation rates especially between Oct-April.

Additional after school clubs –


Clubs to be run by experienced coaches from the Sport Partnership




Little Yogis offered at a reduced price


Price adjusted clubs helped to increase participation


Y1/2 Dance offered at a reduced price




KS2 Speedstacking offered at a reduced price




KS2 Basketball offered at a reduced price




Wide range of additional clubs paid for by parents


Judo, Sports 4 All, Football

Additional clubs well received and supported by parents and children

Forest Schools Day for Year 3 and Year 4

£300 x 2

Completed in December 2018 – very cold weather! Children engaged and developed resilience to cold! Worked as teams and built fires and made lunch.

Great outdoor experience in a location close to school (Ribby Hall). Children engaged in activities and positive feedback (mostly!)

Tennis coaching at Wrea Green Tennis Club


All Year 5 and 6 participate in tennis coaching for 5 weeks


Entry to competitions held at Carr Hill High School


All inter school competitions held at Carr Hill - increase in number of events has enabled more children to represent the school in a wide variety of events and competitions

-          Sport leader training/Golden Mile set up/3 Assessments/year and

Children enjoy representing school – receive Colours and often successful in top 3 gaining a medal.

School Games festivals and competitions run by the SGO – 10 extra events


Entry to competitions has allowed teams to compete in more events and a greater range of sports and festivals with the possibility of representing Fylde at the Lancashire Games






Transport –


Transport costs are always high and staff and parents have provided a great deal of assistance.




Total percebntage of Year 6 able to swim 25 metres - 2018


Total Received




Total spent




TOTAL left





Carried over from 2016-17








Proposed Spend








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