Gifted and Talented
Every pupil at Ribby with Wrea matters, we are committed to the development and progress of every individual. We recognise that a number of our pupils are gifted or talented in certain areas. Our curriculum looks to offer every opportunity to enhance these talents and gifts through a broad curriculum with many extra curricular opportunities.
Our policy clearly states our aims ;
- To develop a reliable strategy for identifying gifted, able and talented pupils at Ribby with Wrea.
- To recognise those pupils who may have potential but are currently underachieving.
- To support teachers in recognising the wide range of pupils’ talents and abilities.
- To support and encourage the development of alternative approaches to teaching and learning which engage, extend and challenge able and talented pupils at a level appropriate to this ability.
- To provide support and challenge in the classroom, within an ethos of high expectations.
- To provide professional development opportunities for teachers and support staff.
- To encourage a dialogue between parents, staff and pupils in respect of pupils’ talents, abilities and needs.
- To share best practice with and forge links between other cluster schools.
- To provide a supportive academic, social and emotional system which suits the needs of able and talented pupils.
- To monitor the progress and evaluate the impact of developments arising from this policy. Do read our policy for more details.