We strongly believe that reading and writing, underpinned by speaking and listening skills are the key to successful learning. Substantial time is given to the teaching of English both as a separate subject and across other curriculum areas. All children participate in lessons daily where key skills are developed through a combination of activities.
Miss Naylor is the Subject Leader for English and works closely with staff to ensure the curriculum content matches the pupils’ progress and national expectations, showing progression year by year. Tracking pupil progress is maintained through regular marking and feedback and through using the Lancashire Tracker to record termly achievement.
Throughout the year we arrange a variety of different activities which promote English and a love of reading. These include theatre trips, parental engagement (“Book and Brew”/ parents coming into school to read with groups of children), a fun filled “book week” and through visitors coming into school. English is embedded and an integral part of our curriculum.
Mrs Wareing is the Governor responsible for English.
Any further information regarding English and our curriculum can be found on our policies page. Alternately you can contact Miss Naylor and she will be able to assist you further.