Physical Education & School Sport
School PE and Sport
Progression of Skills Across PE
Physical Education and School Sport has been a key focus from the Government over recent years. The introduction of the School Sport Premium has ensured finance and support to all schools to help meet the aims and objectives from an educational, health and well being perspective.
To read more about the use of the School Sport Premium please refer to the Sport Premium page on this website.
P.E. in school is divided into Gymnastics, Dance and Games (& Outdoor Education).
Each year group undertakes lessons in these key areas and pupils progress and achievement is tracked via the Lancashire PE APP.
Units of work build on progress made in previous years and without the secure bases built in the Early Years Phase developing pupils core skills in throwing, catching, rolling and movement.
In Key Stage 1 the emphasis is on developing these core skills further and introducing the key features of gymnastics, dance different sports and activities. Key Stage 2 takes these developed skills and starts to introduce pupils to different games and sports utilising the skills across different sports.
Mr. Hall is the subject lead for Physical Education and over the past few years the school has increased its participation in inter school events, strengthened its provision of PE in school and developed links with Ribby Hall and local sports providers and coaches.
Mrs Hunt is the Governor for PE and takes a key interest in the provision and development of the subject within school.
PE is a strength of Ribby with Wrea and pupils are provided with many opportunities to develop their skills further and develop healthy lifestyle choices to carry forward throughout their life.