School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto

School Governors

Data Information for Governors

Dates for Governor Meetings 24/25

Autumn 2024

 SEC                         October 7th

Finance                     Sept      23rd

Full governors           November 4th

Spring 2025

SEC                          January 13th

Finance                    January 27th

Full governors          February 24th

Summer 2025

SEC                         April 28th

Finance                    May   12th

Full governors          June 16th


Our School Governing Board

School Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of our school.  Our Governing Board includes individuals with skills and experience in a broad range of fields, including:


special needs and disabilities

children looked after by Local Authorities

human resources

health and safety

business management


school finance

financial services

premises management



The Responsibilities of the Governing Board

The Governing Board is responsible for ensuring a clear vision for Ribby with Wrea Endowed Church of England Primary School, as well as strategic planning to achieve that vision.  

We support and challenge Mrs Robson and the Senior Leadership Team in their day-to-day management of the school, and in their provision of outstanding education for its pupils.

We oversee the school’s financial performance and make sure the funds available to it (including Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Funding) are well spent for the benefit of the children.  We ensure that the budgets which are set are sustainable.


We take responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of children and staff in our school.  This includes responsibility for reviewing and agreeing Child Protection policies, and ensuring that they are practised in school.  We also ensure that the school building and grounds are safe and well-maintained.



The Priorities of the Governing Board of Ribby with Wrea Endowed Church of England Primary School

We are committed to upholding the distinctively Christian ethos our school.

We are ambitious for the children of our school.  We work to ensure that each child achieves the very best she or he can, in terms of their academic progress and their attainment.  We are also committed to offering children extra-curricular learning and opportunities to grow as individuals – to live life in all its fullness

To be effective in our roles, we work hard to have a full understanding of the views and needs of pupils, staff, parents, carers and our local community.  This includes time spent with the Senior Leadership Team and with other staff, as well as with children.  Individual governors have links with subject leaders in school, to help our understanding of developments in the curriculum and of specific ways in which we can support staff and children.  We compare the performance of our school with other comparable primary schools, and look closely at data to identify what  (academically) our school does really well, and what we could do even better.

Our full Governing Board meets once each term.    We have two main committees which also meet each term.  Other committees meet as required, and there is regular contact between Governors in the interim.  We also meet for ongoing training and development where a need is identified.


The structure of our Governing Board

The instrument of government of our Governing Board states that it must consist of:

Two Parent Governors:


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Helen Chappell *

Vice chair - Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Science, DT & Computing

Attendance, Discipline & Dismissal

Grievance/Pay Appeals Committee

Parent Communication

Kristine Murray *

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Art & Music

School Council & HALO Group

SEN , Link and LASGB

Admissions Committee

Grievance/Pay Appeals Committee

Complaints Review

Pupil Discipline


Two Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn, nominated by the Vicar of St Nicholas’ Church:


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Nadia Hunt *

Acting Chair of Governors


Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee


HT Appraisal Committee

Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal  Appeals
Safeguarding and Child Protection, PREVENT

Phil Heighway



Three Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn, nominated by the Parochial Church Council of St. Nicholas, Wrea Green


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Philip Wood


Chair - Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

HT Appraisal Committee

French, Geography, History

Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal

Pupil Discipline

Heather Wareing


Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Early Years, English




Matthew Peach

Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee


Two Foundation governors nominated by the Trustees of Ribby with Wrea Endowed Trust


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Paul Boustead


Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

PSHE, Equity

HT Appraisal Committee

Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal

Grievance/Pay Appeals Committee

Matt Roberts *

Vice Chair - Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Admissions Committee

Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal Appeals

Complaints Review

Pay Committee/Committee of Appointed Governors


One Local Authority governor


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Karen Smurthwaite

Chair - Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Admissions Committee

Pay Committee/Committee of Appointed Governors

Complaints Review


One Staff Governor


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Cherly Riley

Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Ext services, outside learning, cohesion



One Co-opted Governor


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Sharon Parkinson

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Schools Portal


The School’s Headteacher


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Sarah Robson

Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee

Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Pupil Voice


The Vicar of St Nicholas’ Church


Additional responsibilities as part of the Governing Board

Rev. Philip Chew

Standards, Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Worship and Religious Education

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Pupil Discipline


*Governors marked with an asterisk are parents of children currently at Ribby with Wrea School.  A number of other Governors have previously been parents of children in school.  We all live in Wrea Green or have close links with the village.

Photographs of our School Governors are displayed in the school foyer.

If you have any questions regarding the Governing Board, please contact Nadia Hunt, Chair of Governors, via the school office or by emailing



Committee Structure

Our three main committees each meet once every term:

Data Committee -   All Governors

Standards and Effectiveness and Pupil Welfare Committee

Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee

Phil Wood (Chair)

Karen Smurthwaite (Chair)

Helen Chappell  (Vice Chair)

Matt Roberts (Vice-Chair)

Cheryl Riley               

Sarah Robson

Nadia Hunt


Rev Philip Chew

Sharon Parkinson

Sarah Robson

Matthew Peach


Kristine Murray

Matt Hall (Observer)

Matt Hall (Observer)

Gill MetherellHeather Wareing
Heather Wareing 
Matthew Peach 

Additional committees meet as required

Pupil Discipline Committee

Phil Wood

Kristine Murray

Rev Chew

Admissions Committee

Karen Smurthwaite

Matt Roberts

Kristine Murray


Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal Committee

Phil Wood


Helen Chappell

Attendance/Discipline & Dismissal Appeals Committee

Matt Roberts

Nadia Hunt


Pay Committee/Committee of Appointed Governors

Karen Smurthwaite

Helen Chappell

Matt Roberts


Grievance/Pay Appeals Committee

Helen Chappell


Kristine Murray


Complaints Review Committee

Karen Smurthwaite

Matt  Roberts

Kristine Murray


HT Appraisal Committee

Nadia Hunt


Phil Wood

Schools Advisor



Nominated Governors

Safeguarding & Child Protection, PREVENT , Maths- Nadia Hunt

French, Geography, History - Phil Wood

Worship, SMSC, RE - Reverend Philip Chew

Schools Portal - Sharon Parkinson

School Council & Halo Group,Art, Music, SEN, Link,LASGB - Kristine Murray

PSHE + Equity - 

Ext Svcs, outside, cohesion, Well being - Cheryl Riley

English, Early Years - Heather Wareing

Science, DT, Computing - Helen Chappell

Website, Oline safety,Link and LASGB, PE, Sports Premium -




Full Governors Attendance





Paul Bousteadgreen tick      
Nadia Huntgreen tick      
Phil Woodgreen tick      
Karen Smurthwaitegreen tick      
Matt Robertsgreen tick      
Helen Chappellgreen tick      
Kristine Murraygreen tick      
Cheryl Rileygreen tick      
Sharon Parkinsongreen tick      
Rev. Philip Chewgreen tick      
Mrs Sarah Robson green tick      


Finance and Premises





Karen Smurthwaitegreen tick    
Paul Bousteadgreen tick    
Nadia Huntgreen tick    
Kristine Murrayapol    
Matt Robertsgreen tick    
Heather Wareinggreen tick    

Sharon Parkinson

green tick    
Matthew Peachgreen tick


 Sarah Robsongreen tick 





Standards and Effectiveness





Phil Woodgreen tick    
Helen Chappellgreen tick    
Rev Philip Chewgreen tick    
Nadia Huntgreen tick    
Heather Wareinggreen tick    
Matthew Peachgreen tick    
Sarah Robsongreen tick    


Governor’s Name

Appointed by

Term of Office

Paul Boustead

Foundation Governor

Appointed by Diocese of Blackburn on nomination of School Trustees

21.2.19 – 20.2.23

Helen Chappell

Parent Governor

5.3.18 – 4.3.22

Philip Chew


(Administering Officer)

11.11.19 – 11.11.23

Nadia Hunt

Foundation Governor

Appointed by Diocese of Blackburn on nomination of Principal Officiating Officer

14.4.21 – 13.4.25

Matthew Peach



Kristine Murray

Parent Governor

29.6.21 – 28.6.25

Sharon Parkinson

Co-Opted Governor

(School Bursar)

1.9.20 – 31.8.24

Phil Heighway

Foundation Governor

Appointed by Diocese of Blackburn on nomination of Parochial Church Council


Matthew Roberts

Foundation Governor

Appointed by Diocese of Blackburn on nomination of School Trustees

1.9.20 – 31.8.24

Sarah Robson


(Head Teacher)

22.4.19 – 21.4.23



Karen Smurthwaite

Lancashire Education Committee

25.7.21 – 24.7.25

Philip Wood

Foundation Governor

Appointed by Diocese of Blackburn on nomination of Parochial Church Council

8.12.21 – 7.12.25


If you have any questions regarding the Governing Body, please contact Nadia Hunt, Chair or Governors, via the school office, the contact form below or by e-mail

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