School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


At Ribby-with-Wrea we believe children should be able to use information and communication technology to express themselves, collaborate, cultivate and share their ideas at an appropriate level to enable them to become active participants in a digital world. 

Computing is an essential part of the curriculum due to its contribution to children’s intellectual growth; training them to think computationally about problems, issues and opportunities and to apply this to wider problems in broader contexts. It also enables them to gain a better understanding of the world, where all aspects of human activity are being shaped by the application of computational thinking. 



At Ribby-with-Wrea we believe that the children have the right to a rich and deep learning experience in all aspects of computing. With technology playing such a significant role across society, we believe that ‘computational thinking’ is a skill that should be taught if they are to be able to participate effectively and safely in the digital world. 

We want our pupils to be prepared to operate in the 21st century workplace understanding the career opportunities in computing that will be open to them in the future. 

We believe that computing should develop creativity, resilience, problem solving and critical thinking skills in our children as they progress through school.

Mr East is the Subject Leaders and Mrs Chappell is the associated Governor.

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