School Logo

Ribby with wrea

Endowed CE Primary

School Motto


Sport Premium Activities at Ribby with Wrea 2020-2021 - plans and activities have been affected by Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown. Below shows the use of the Sport Premium for the academic year and the evaluation/review of the activities.


Use of funding September 2020 – July 2021

Cost  (approximate)


Review/Evaluation –

PE/Lunch Resources


New equipment purchased as needed

Equipment purchased for sports day and playground activities

Y4/5 or Y5/6 @ Ribby Hall

£60 x 30 = £1800

2 hours a week at Ribby Hall with coach and courts

£30 per hour plus courts  (£2.50/hr)approx. £30

Cancelled due to Covid-19  

Tennis coaching in school for Y4,5,6 on Tuesday and Fridays

Lunchtime Sport Organiser

£16/hr * 5 * 39 = £3120

Organise and support structured games and activities  - helping to ensure pupils completed 60 minutes a day of exercise at school and heling to control playground issues.

Success although restricted in provision due to bubbles but needed on playground

Competitions – team colour badges,

£ 415


Provision of team colours for pupils representing the school has proved very popular and the self esteem and pride of the children has been notable.


Very few awarded due to limited competitions and events Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Healthy Heads programme





£200 x 4

= 800

Y2/3, Y5 completed in Autumn term

Y4 in Spring term

Children shown ways to deal with stress, workload and emotions

Useful for year groups completed but rest Cancelled due to Covid-19   

KS1 Balance Bike


Reception class learn to balance and read balance bikes over 5 week period

Not completed as dates only available later in year and SH felt EYFS beyond it at that stage of year

Cricket coaching  - provided by Lancashire Cricket


Coaching sessions to develop the children's skills and increase CPD of staff in cricket and throwing and catching skills

Provided by Danny Gilbert – good coaching and skill development

Sports Conference


Liaise with colleagues to discuss Sainsbury’s School Games, planning, assessment. Workshop on outside providers and new sporting ideas e.g. fencing, bushcraft, bikeabilty on balance bikes

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

PE Lancashire Membership


Course and Scheme of Work  - Up date to APP

APP updated ad used in PE lessons by all teachers

6 x 3weeks (2hrs) preparation for new festivals


Organised through Carr Hill, led by Premier Sport

Cancelled due to Covid-19 . Premier Sport no longer in business.

Tennis coaching Years 2 and 3

£900 (£30/2hr X 30 weeks)


Coaching for Year 2 and 3 in tennis – staff to assist and develop CPD

Year 4/5/6 took on the coaching as easier to control bubbles and staffing.

Class cover for PE Co-ordinator

2.5 hrs x 40 weeks - £14.50/hr £36.25 x 40


Release time for planning and managing sport in school

Received and utilised to plan/alter/postpone/cancel events and communicate with SGO, School Games website and manage budget.

Extra-curricular Clubs – provision provided by Premier Sport (10 clubs across the year)



X 30 weeks

Additional Extra curricular clubs offered at a reduced/free cost to parents. This helps ensure a higher uptake in the activity and has helped target our Pupil Premium children. Increased participation in re sports e.g. Handball and dodgeball.

Judo, KS1 Tennis and KS1 cricket and Y2/3 fencing offered in the summer term – different providers and reduced price saw increase in participants

Additional after school clubs –


Clubs to be run by experienced coaches from the Sport Partnership

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Tag Rugby


Coaching and support from Fylde Rugby Club – staff CPD and pupil sport development

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Judo (full day)


Opportunity for all pupils to experience Judo

Enjoyed by classes and reengaged interest

KS2 Speedstacking offered at a reduced price


Club allowed children to develop skills and co-ordination

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

KS2 Basketball offered at a reduced price


Developed skills at a new sport and supported attendance at basketball festival

Cancelled due to Covid-19   



Developing new skills and activities – use real arrows!

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Fencing (full day)


Experience of fencing for all pupils

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Y3/4 Futsal


New skills and learning about futsal

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Wide range of additional clubs paid for by parents


 Sports 4 All, Football

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Tennis coaching at Wrea Green Tennis Club


All Year 5 and 6 participate in tennis coaching for 5 weeks

Only Year 6 were able to partake due to WGTC rules of max 12 at courts

Tri Golf Y3/4


After School Club from golf professional

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Y6 Climbing Course – Hotharsall Lodge

6 weeks  £60 per child (20) = 1200-

6 week climbing course and SATs revision groups. Groups of 8 – booster sessions – Reading and Maths

£10 per child

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Ranger Service


5 weeks

Ranger Training – wildlife, outdoor spaces, conservation – well being

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Y4 Canoeing – Fairhaven Lake


Full day for Y4 canoeing at Fairhaven lake – (50% discount)

With no residential Y4/5 and Y5/6 both had a day at Fairhaven Lake kayaking and orienteering - £1680

Entry to competitions held at Carr Hill High School


All inter school competitions held at Carr Hill - increase in number of events has enabled more children to represent the school in a wide variety of events and competitions

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

School Games festivals and competitions run by the SGO – 10 extra events  


Entry to competitions has allowed teams to compete in more events and a greater range of sports and festivals with the possibility of representing Fylde at the Lancashire Games (no aqua splash £570-£60)

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Transport – Ribby Hall


Transport to Ribby Hall £15 x 30 = £450

Transport costs are always high and staff and parents have provided a great deal of assistance.

Cancelled due to Covid-19   

Transport to all competitions


Transport to events

Day at Stanley Park organised for Years 5 and 6 who missed the Robin Wood residential due to Covid to complete the high ropes course and indoor caving –Mole Hill.


Covid-19, lockdowns and isolation periods had a huge affect on the sporting activities and use of the Sport Premium funding. We are keen to re-engage pupils and restart many of our pre covid activities and once again promote health, exercise, competition and healthy mental well being.

Thank you to the Governors for their continued trust and belief in the aims and actions taken place developing these areas at Ribby with Wrea.

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